Why Cross-Channel Batch Sends Outperform Single-Channel

Benchmarks: Cross-Channel Batch Seeds

As a marketer, the term batch sends might leave a bad taste in your mouth if it conjures up ideas of batch-and-blast or one-size-fits-all marketing. In this case, we’re defining batch sends as marketing messages sent by a brand to multiple recipients at once — often including newsletters, one-off sends, FAQs, and informational emails. Depending on your company’s goals and target audience, batch sends may be a necessary component of your marketing strategy.

As customer-centricity becomes an increasingly crucial part of driving engagement and revenue for your company, cross-channel marketing is essential. Isolating customers by creating siloed experiences, whether through batch sends or triggered campaigns, may make or break their decision to stay loyal to your brand. According to PwC, 73% of customers point to experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions and 65% of customers find a positive experience with a brand to be more influential than great advertising.

By analyzing 10 billion messages sent by Blueshift customers in 2021, we were able to gain key findings about core engagement metrics between different types of campaigns. Below, we dive into some of the main takeaways about batch sends that you can find in our Benchmark Report 2022: Cross-Channel Marketing.


What Are Cross-Channel Experiences?

Before we get into the specific data points we discovered about cross-channel vs. single-channel batch sends, we’ll define what sets cross-channel experiences apart from a traditional channel-centric approach.

Cross-channel experiences:

  • Are connected, customer data-driven experiences across 2+ channels
  • Respond to customer behaviors in real time
  • Optimize the next best action (content, channel, message timing)

With these factors in mind, let’s take a look at how open rates and click-through rates vary between cross-channel and single-channel batch sends.


2+ Channels Are More Effective than One

Communicating with customers across channels, whether with an individual communication or a mass message (such as a newsletter), is more effective than connecting with them on one siloed channel. Cross-channel batch sends resulted in a 49% higher open rate and a 34% higher click-through rate than single-channel batch sends. Plus, media & publishing brands averaged a 39% higher click-through rate with cross-channel batch sends vs. single-channel.


Get Started with Cross-Channel Experiences

Creating cross-channel experiences may sound complicated, but getting started is easier than you may expect when you have the right technology platform to back you up ー one that connects all your channels within a single journey builder and enables you to create, automate, and scale sophisticated campaigns and journeys that are powered by a unified view of your customer data.

Get the 2022 Benchmark Report: Cross-Channel Marketing

Download our 2022 Benchmark Report to see the results Blueshift customers are already achieving.