4 Tips for Getting Started with Data Activation

4 Tips for Getting Started with Data Activation

Like anything worth investing in, the steps to improving customer engagement with data activation take time. A thoughtful audit of your current status, and projected future needs can result in a more stable stack. These steps are designed to not only get your data activation journey started, but also put in end to the seemingly endless martech buying cycle. Check out our tips for buying tech that will endure and perform for years to come.


Data activation requires technology, which requires cross-functional buy-in. Begin building a business case that outlines your current issues and what you believe will resolve them. Where are you currently fighting with your technology? Really dig into those pain points and don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to what might solve them.


There’s a lot of technology out there making bold claims, but be careful. A technology can’t truly enable data activation unless it provides a single customer view, predictive intelligence, scalable architecture, powerful recommendations, and a robust templating solution.


4 Tips for Getting Started with Data Activation


A lot of providers focus on business needs and use cases. But will the technology actually allow you to accomplish the requirements you outlined? Don’t be afraid to get into the details. In fact, insist on it. Ask for examples of how you can do complex use cases, especially when scaling to millions of customers in a short timeframe. Ask for customer references so you can confirm the claims are legitimate. Ultimately, a demo you can trust shows you more than it tells you.


A good partnership will take you a lot further than a good price. Look for a team that’s made up of the right people: those who really believe in what it is they’re providing, not just selling it. Make sure they want to help you get the most out of their offerings, and that they can brainstorm new use cases to help propel your business forward. Solutions that solve for now are great – but in a world where things are moving at lightning speed, you need tools that can scale and solve for now and later.

Ready to discover your true partner for data activation? Read our full length Data Activation Guide for more details, or contact our team today for a demo.