Customer journeys in personal finance are becoming increasingly complex. Consider a consumer looking for refinancing options for a student loan. Their journey begins with an online search that leads them to a personal finance brand’s website. They browse loan options but don’t take action.
Later, they receive a personalized email showcasing refinancing offers based on their browsing history. Curious, they click the link and begin filling out an application on the mobile app but pause midway. The next day, they receive an app notification reminding them to complete the process, along with a tailored incentive to encourage them to finish.
This type of multi-touch, multi-channel journey is common in personal finance. Customers interact with brands across multiple platforms, expecting each experience to be connected and relevant.
But for marketing teams, connecting these touchpoints isn’t easy. Siloed data and disjointed tools often prevent brands from delivering a seamless experience, leading to lost engagement opportunities and customer frustration.