“The paradigm shift is customer-centric,” said Vijay. “The old way of doing things was buying an email system and a paid media system, and they would all have their own data and decisioning. What’s happened now is… architecture allows you to put your customer at the center.”
I love the phrase paradigm shift in this context,” Alexei added. “It’s both ways…much in the way social media marketing exploded on the scene as…a conversation, that’s the way to look at this type of exercise. It’s information we’re getting from a customer about their preferences…simply as they interact with our offerings. For us organizationally, it’s looking from the top down so we can make data-driven decisions.”
Ready to get started? Alexei’s advice is:
“If you want to start somewhere, start with having an opinion about where your customer data lives and how you’re looking at that customer data. I would caution to say it doesn’t mean a CRM. A CRM is storing objects that have happened; customer data, customer data platforms, customer data activation platforms are storing data you can work in real time. If I was to sit down and carve out a budget, that’s where I would look.”
This talk took place at this year’s MarTech Conference in San Jose. If you missed it, or are looking for a deeper dive into this expert advice, watch the full recording.