SmartHub CDP Playbook for Ecommerce Marketing: Increase Customer Engagement
 with Product Recommendations

SmartHub CDP Playbook for Ecommerce Marketing: Increase Customer Engagement
 with Product Recommendations

Capturing a customer’s attention and loyalty in today’s online shopping market is no small feat. With so many ecommerce brands competing for customer engagement, marketers need tools that enable them to provide personalized product recommendations that make customers come back to your brand every time. Did you know that 35% of Amazon’s revenue is driven by product recommendations based on customers’ preferences?

In order to have a successful ecommerce marketing strategy, you need an AI-powered marketing automation platform that can unify and activate all the customer data you’ve worked so hard to acquire — resulting in personalized product recommendations based on customers’ individual interests, including stated preferences, inferred affinities, and previous browsing behaviors. This approach to ecommerce marketing will ensure a meaningful customer experience every time. The solution? A SmartHub Customer Data Platform (CDP).

Start delivering greater personalization through deeper understanding and gain the competitive advantage by providing relevant, engaging ecommerce marketing through the use of our SmartHub CDP. With this improved customer experience and seamless deliverability across all channels, your brand has the ability to increase customer engagement, loyalty, and revenue — and that starts with a leading customer data platform like Blueshift.

“It’s now simple for us to deliver 1:1 personalized recommendations tailored to each user based on their historical and real-time website activities…Blueshift enables us to collect, track, and act upon more data than ever before and use real-time behaviors to drive more personalized experiences.” — Michal Halpern, Conversion Optimization Manager, James Allen

In this playbook, you’ll learn about the different recommendation themes, how to select the right ones throughout your customers’ journeys, and best practices to add relevance across every interaction with your brand to increase customer engagement.

As you begin to deliver recommendations across the customer journey, remember:

  • The right knowledge and guidelines from recommendations experts
  • The right tool to fully unlock your data, like Blueshift’s SmartHub CDP
  • The right recommendations strategy should be tailored to your business goals and customer engagement channels, not a carbon copy of other retailers


Boost customer engagement, loyalty, and revenue across every marketing channel with AI-powered product recommendations.