Are you reading this blog post on your smartphone? If you’re reading on a desktop, chances are high that you checked your smartphone before reading this post – or that you’ll pick up your smartphone afterwards. According to a late 2019 survey by Asurion, smartphone users in the US check their devices 96 times a day – or once every 10 minutes.
This level of consumer engagement is great for marketers wanting to reach customers where they are, but where’s the line between overwhelming people with messages sent via their emails, chat, SMS, mobile apps, and social channels, and respecting their space? When is the best time to send SMS messages and what should be in those messages? Also, how do you protect your marketing success when mobile operating system developers continue to make updates that protect users’ privacy?
We’ve gathered some must-consume resources to help you answer these omnichannel marketing questions and more. Customers expect brands to reach out to them on many different digital channels, but marketers have a responsibility to market smarter when your customers have invited you to communicate with them via email, apps, SMS, and more. Here are some resources to help: