This series of blogs goes into detailed campaigns that growth marketers can run for specific industries. These campaigns are tailored towards goals and revenue that growth marketers are responsible for. Our second industry deep dive takes a look at the subscription service industry and campaigns for growth marketers to reduce churn and increase customer loyalty.
The subscription service model is unique compared to the conventional retail sales cycle. They measure their business with different metrics and have different goals. Some metrics that growth marketers at subscription companies are held accountable for are churn, up-sell, and win-backs. Much can be done to impact each of these metrics at different stages of the customer lifecycle. Here is a breakdown of personalized emails and push notification campaigns to use for reducing churn and increasing revenue for a subscription service company.
Churn Intervention: Marketing teams can use churn score rates to create a segment of at-risk customers based on their behavior or low engagement with the product. These customers can be sent personalized offers or incentives based on their purchase or browse history to continue the subscription on day 1, 7, and 30 days after they qualify for the churn list.