Blueshift Product Release: Native In-App Messaging and In-App Studio

Blueshift Product Release: Native In-App Messaging and In-App Studio

You don’t have to be in marketing to know that mobile devices have irrevocably changed how consumers engage with brands and discover information. Purchasing and decision-making processes are now driven by mobile interactions, sometimes even exclusively, and reflecting this shift in digital marketing strategies is essential for success.

But incorporating a mobile strategy to match today’s behaviors is often easier said than done. Marketers have struggled with technological limitations when it comes to leveraging multi-channel data, advanced targeting, and customization capabilities. As a result, mobile strategies have largely been more of an afterthought, with bare-minimum levels of personalization and general disconnection from the overall customer engagement strategy.

We at Blueshift have always been hyper-focused on innovations that help marketers provide more cohesive, personalized customer experiences, and today we continue that mission with the release of our native in-app messages and in-app studio. Now, marketers can leverage the gamut of our platform’s capabilities — cross-channel data, catalog-driven recommendations, predictive intelligence, and behavior-based automation — to power in-app messages for exciting results.


In-app messages act as a vital component of an overall mobile customer engagement strategy. Marketers can enhance the customer experience by providing useful information to guide them through onboarding, app updates and more, or by providing prompts with limited time-offers and product recommendations.

We’ve made the process of creating, optimizing, and personalizing these messages a breeze. Within our studio, marketers can design adaptive messages and deliver content that feels personal by adding recommendations that leverage predictive intelligence and pull directly from their product catalog. As in-app messages are delivered, these recommendations customize for each user based on behaviors and preferences inside and outside the app.

Use Case Example: Media

A media company can create in-app messages that will show each user relevant TV shows, news articles, and videos based on their previous viewing history and recent category engagement. In another part of their app, they can always highlight trending videos of the day that will automatically tailor to each user based on their individual preferences and viewing behavior.

Blueshift Product Release: Native In-App Messaging and In-App Studio


Now marketers can take full advantage of every in-app interaction and help drive conversion by providing users with relevant information or a nudge (like a promotion) at the key moments as users engage with the app. They can define when to auto-trigger messages based on specific user behaviors or milestones reached within the app and across other channels. Then, rather than sending notifications at random, our predictive engage time allows users to strike while the iron’s hot. In-app messages are personalized and then optimized to send when a customer is most receptive and engaged, driving conversion.

In-app cart abandonment notification

Use Case Example: eCommerce

An e-commerce company can set in-app messages that dynamically trigger a promo code slide-in when users have abandoned items in their cart or messages with related items when users have moved on to a different category without adding anything to cart.

Blueshift Product Release: Native In-App Messaging and In-App Studio


Mobile has become one of the most impactful channels due to its massive growth and ability to reach customers directly and immediately. Today’s release completes the mobile journey and lets marketers extend customer experiences to include all mobile touchpoints. Now they can create rich, connected experiences that leverage all their key channels and adapt the customer journey to each user based on a unified, cross-channel view of each user.

“Today’s complex digital landscape requires increasingly sophisticated, multi-channel customer experience strategies and the technology that can support them,” explained our own Mehul Shah, co-founder, and CTO. “In-app is a rapidly growing piece of the multi-channel picture, and we’re excited to deeply integrate it into our ecosystem so that marketers can intelligently leverage mobile channels within the larger journey and get ahead of the customer.”


Our release complements our mission to empower marketers to move from a channel-centric to customer-centric approach at a critical time. As eMarketer reported recently, US consumers will spend more time with their mobile devices than watching TV for the first time in 2019, and about 90% of smartphone time is spent in apps.

This aggressive shift in behavior requires two things: 1. a channel-agnostic strategy in which every people-addressable touchpoint is treated with equal importance in an overall marketing strategy, and 2. technology that can use data to intelligently optimize and inform interactions on these channels. By always putting the customer at the center of everything we do, our offerings are purpose-built to fulfill these requirements as well as scale with each new shift.

To learn more about today’s release or how Blueshift’s approach to marketing can better your business, contact us today.