Getting students to sign up for more courses must be an organization’s highest goal to get the highest LifeTime Value (LTV) from each student. This focus helps move students from the “one-and-done” learner to the more occasional or even life-long student. If an organization runs on the freemium model, then re-enrollment is paramount to generating revenue. If an organization is pure-play paid (either as a subscription or via certificates), then getting students to re-enroll and take more courses adds that additional revenue that drives higher LTV and helps identify behaviors and attributes that can feed into the acquisition strategy.
The feeling of accomplishment from completing a course is double edged. In one respect, they feel accomplished and satisfied. They completed a course. Either they feel empowered and, hopefully, want to learn more, or they feel satisfied, and, sadly, simply move on to another activity or interest outside of the learning environment. What would you do?
Capture that feeling of accomplishment and feed them more courses. IMMEDIATELY.
Build on the excitement with timely messages triggered on the completion or even near completion of that course. And don’t hesitate. Leveraging real-time triggers makes sure that messages are sent at the right time. At the bare minimum, prompt them to sign up for more courses, perhaps with incentives or discounts. BUT, if you really want to drive retention, the simple step is to offer them courses they may like, based on browsing behavior, the subject matter of the course they just completed, or use collaborative filtering to recommend courses that others have taken who have taken this course. Tracking real-time behavior is critical.
The advanced step: (HINT: you should be doing this to stay relevant and competitive) Leverage a full understanding of how they engaged with that course (length of course, timing, subject matter, test scores) coupled with a full history of ALL of their courses taken and browsed and engaged to deliver a truly personalized set of recommendations. Be student-centric by building out profiles of every student that not only tracks static attributes like geography, gender, email address, etc, but also keeps a full transaction and engagement history of courses and even the messages you’ve sent.
Then, use multiple communication channels to message them: emails, mobile push, SMS, In-App, On-Site, even leverage Facebook Re-targeting to get them to come back with very specific recommendations. (Yes, even your advertising should be personally relevant to re-engage your students.)
* Timing is of the essence, act quickly to re-engage students.
* Recommend courses that others like them have taken or that they have browsed.
* Take it a step further and build out predictive recommendations based on their full engagement history.
* Use every channel at your disposal to re-engage them personally, even Facebook.
Ask yourself:
- What are you doing today to address these issues?
- What data are you missing to start acting on these tactics?
- Do you have control of the data?
- Do you have real-time data that enables fast segmentation to engage students with up-to-the-moment messaging?
In Part 2, we will address HOW to get there and uncover a few more obstacles common with student retention for eLearning and MOOCs. In addition, we’ll show you how we help Udacity drive increased student retention through these very strategies.