It’s time to place your customer at the core of everything you do. Start creating relevant and engaging customer experiences with the power of your customer data.

In this smart guide, you’ll learn how Blueshift’s Intelligent Customer Engagement platform can empower you to transform your marketing by activating your relevant first-party data.

Timeline of phone, email, and tv advertisements throughout the day

customer engagement

Shifting Dynamics

Unfortunately, the demands of “always-on” customers have evolved beyond what today’s marketing tools can handle.

At the heart of the problem is current martech stacks and processes that center around channels, rather than people. When customer experience decisions for a specific channel use only data from that specific channel, it’s no wonder that interactions across channels are disjointed. But when we flip the order to focus on the customer and use a 360 customer view to create unique cross-channel experiences around them, the experiences become seamless, delightful, and work to intuitively guide customers down the path to purchase.

a new strategy

Channel-centric to Customer-centric Marketing

It’s clear that shifting to customer-centric marketing and creating 1:1 personalized experiences requires more than just having a unified view of customers available. Marketers need to have their customer data drive the right marketing decisions across all channels.

Lending Tree logo over image of a woman sitting behind a computer

Customer Success Story

LendingTree Activates Data to Scale Personalization

“Unlike other platforms that struggle with increasing amounts of data, Blueshift becomes more powerful the more data you have in it. This has allowed us to scale our personalization efforts and customer journeys across multiple apps on different channels, and the results have been tremendous.”

Joyce Poole
Joyce Poole Sr. Director, Marketing CRM, LendingTree

Personalize Every Experience

Activate Your Relevant Customer Data

Download our Smart Guide to learn how.