During an economic downturn, your customers need your business to be present and as true to your brand values as ever. Download this report and discover what it takes to market during a downturn and how to know if your tech stack has what it takes to help you. 

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Blueshift CMO, Joan Jenkins details the five actions consumer marketers can take to continue to grow and innovate during a downturn. From being ruthless with ROI to being human with your brand, find out how marketers should best take action.
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Learn how to stay in tune with consumer sentiment during economic turbulence so you can better market to them. Join Blueshift CMO Joan Jenkins in conversation with LendingTree Senior Director of Marketing CRM, Joyce Poole.
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The Four Ws of Personalized Marketing

During economic instability, customers value the personal assurance of high-touch marketing. AI marketing enables you to do this at scale. With AI, you can discover who to target, what to recommend to these customers, where to engage with them, and precisely when they will interact with your brand. Fill out the form above and download this Trends Spotlight Report and learn how to use the four Ws of personalized marketing to grow and innovate during a downturn. 

meet customer expectations

Market With Confidence During Economic Turbulence

Meeting the needs of your customers should be top priority during times of economic turmoil. That means taking a customer-centric stance — one that stays true to your brand values and meets customers where they are. Learn how to retain and engage customers during an economic downturn.